Monday, April 6, 2009


I know I has been over a month since I posted...i am so bad :(.....Since my last post lots and nothing has happened...I guess you can say lots of nothing....We have all had the upper respiratory twice although the first time it was here then gone the second I held on to it like is was a long lost was no fun.....Collyn has now graduated to her BIG girl bed full time...I think I was more worried about it than she was...I turned 30 last week...I expected some big change...nope still same ol' me....I still laugh at Shane's silly jokes...and run and play with the afternoons when we all get home Collyn thinks it is outside play has been so pretty we have stayed out until dark....thanks goodness the mosquitoes have not arrived....she is so much's never ending...full of surprises....her daddy was digging up part of our sprinkler system and there she was with her little tykes garden tools~ (her PawPaw bought them for her before he died) shoveling the dirt with him...(pictures to follow...our computer @ home is on strike...well really it is unplugged because it is being moved with the remodeling) Brandon's race season started this weekend....gosh I love the races...reminds me of my daddy....those loud cars and smell of exhaust.....but they called them before Brandon's main because of the wind and dirt...after a pretty bad wreck cause the could not keep the track wet amazes me how much fun Collyn has @ the races....she loves a matter of fact we intended on her staying with her Granny this weekend for us some grown up time....and she was all excited about getting to stay with Granny...until her Daddy let it slip out that we were going to the races without her...I didn't even ask I just started packing her things too....she played hard and cheered hard...then she fell asleep eating nachos ...goodtimes...anyway...we are all great...just thought I would catch everyone up on what we have been up to...