Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big News

Well Shane & I are expecting a new baby.....first part of November(11th).....really early still( 5 weeks today)....but between him & Collyn there was no keeping it a secret......So Collyn told her daddy....she charged into the laundry room where he was unloading the dog food (washed preg test in hand) & said Daddy, Daddy ~Mommy has a "wittle" baby in her "fomach"(stomach)...after he asked her to repeat herself she did (very excitedly) and handed him the test.....She almost didnt make it thru story time that night...she repeatedly asked when her "brober" was going to be here & when Mamoo was coming so she could tell her.....Mamoo arrived after she had finally gone to sleep but then first thing the next morning she ran up to he Mamoo didnt even say good morning or anything & told her about the "wittle" baby her mommy is growing.... Shane is just as bad...he took her to Miles the next day so she could tell her Juju & Bob-o (Judy & Bob)...and to his mothers as well....He has even called some of more mine than his friends & told them So the cat is offically out of the bag...We are expecting!!!! Collyn has since decided that she not only wants a "brober" but a sister as well!!!! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy :)

1 comment:

  1. Well I will be praying for that "wittle" baby :) I'm too excited for yall
