Wednesday, February 25, 2009

big step

Do you ever wonder how or what or why a couple decides to "try" for a baby, and better yet a second one. Shane & I have beed discussing just this over the past 6 months or so and have opted to go for number 2. Just one changes so much, used to we slept late, watched unanimated TV and could drop everything and go to dinner when friends called. Having a baby really changes that, not that I regret even one second of it. I am just wondering how we will do it with 2. Collyn is a very happy child and basically easy going, but what if our desire to add to our family affects her in a way that is not so positive. I know everyone with more than one says you find plenty of love in your heart, but I worry about Collyn.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see your blog :) feel a bit more connected!
